Monday, June 2, 2014

A Relaxing Afternoon at Clumber Park

Saturday saw our first ever experience of A&E with my son falling off his scooter and cutting open his chin, it was a sobering experience and it seemed the only person traumatised by it was me.

So on Sunday we decided to take a picnic up to Clumber Park, find a space to kick a ball about and just chill for a few hours.

It's a National Trust park and only costs £6.50 per car to get in, there is lots to see and do and plenty of space to relax.

To start we played football and frisby, or if you are my three year old daughter crispy, then we went down to the lake to look at the ducks on the grass....

Off exploring the reeds and trying to spot fish, we saw two huge carp (or at least I think that's what they were) and lots of baby geese and swans....

Off to explore the woodland, the sun was shining through the leaves and we saw so many different trees, I really loved the church it was beautiful surrounded by rhododendrons....

The lake is beautiful, the magnificent colours of the rhododendrons surrounding the lake and house were stunning.....

We then played on the woodland park, had an ice cream and bought some rhubarb from the park gardens.

It was a lovely day and just what we needed after the rather awful day before.

Linking up to Country Kids on Coombe Mill and Magic Moments with The Olivers Madhouse

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I hope your son is ok now! A great way to de-stress together after the trauma of the day before, beautiful surroundings, sunshine and a picnic. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. Aww thank you, he is fine now. He'll have a scar but it's what kids do, just the first time i've had this happen and it was a shock. It is a lovely place and was a lovely day for getting out and about. :)

  2. I remember going there years ago with some friends. It was lovely. Nice idea to go chill out after the hospital experience. Those damn scooters!

    1. Yes damn them indeed ;) Clumber is really lovely and always a pleasure to visit :)

  3. The place is pretty magical and really a nice place to visit =) #Countrykids

    1. It's a really great place with lot's to explore, definitely a full day out :)
