Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Gruffalo Trail at Sherwood Pines

After a lot of rain and rubbish weather, Wednesday saw a break with some nice sunshine, so I packed up a picnic and some games and headed to Sherwood Pines to walk round the Gruffalo Trail and a few hours in the fresh air.

First we went to meet the Gruffalo, the attention to detail was great with the purple prickles on his back and the wart on the end of his nose. The kids loved him and gave him a big hug!

It was easy to spot the trail from the path with lots of brightly coloured bunting leading the way.

First we stopped and saw the mouse, we've read this story so many times it wasn't difficult to tell it to them as we walked through the forest.

Along the way there were lots of signs which gave you tasks to do, such as listen out for sounds you can here and spot colours in the forest.

Next was a sign asking us to make a character from the book out of things from the forest floor,  we chose to make the snake out of pine cones and a rock, it looks really good with the pine cone seeds looking like scales.

Next we had to move like the different creatures in the book, can you slither like a snake or stomp like a Gruffalo. 

Next we took a detour to look round some houses and play a game of hide and seek, spotting what bugs we could see under old bits of bark and then onto building a den. This is a really great way of getting the children to work together and I loved den building when I was younger.

Time for a climb...

After a few hours on the park, a hot chocolate and ice cream stop we headed back to the car but before we came home we had time to look in the woods again. My daughter adding to the collection of pine cones we have and my son making himself a stick man complete with sword and shield. 

This park is a great place to visit if you like biking, playing or just exploring.

Linking up to Country Kids on Coombe Mill

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. That looks such a fun place to visit! Looks like you had a great time. So much to see and do!! Fab photos!

  2. We never tire of the Gruffalo or the story! #countrykids

  3. A great way to bring the story alive for children - and so much fun too. I can see they had a wonderful time discovering all the characters, den building and playing at the park too. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  4. Imagine if you are a kid and your fave book becomes REAL! Awesome! #countrykids

  5. Love the Gruffalo, each time I see posts about the trails I wish that they'd been around before we left the UK :) Looks like a brilliant day x #CountryKids
