Friday, January 16, 2015

Our Snow Fun Day

A few weeks back, we were lucky to have some snow.It was a lovely sunny day, so we headed to a favourite spot of our,s Rufford Abbey. We had lots of fun running about in the snow and trying not to fall over!

The lake was frozen over and the trees looked stunning with their vibrant colours against the blue sky and white snow, icicles hung from the benches, sparkling in the low sun.

We stopped for hot chocolate and the children loved being in the sledge being pulled along by daddy, sliding down the embankments.

We had lots of fun on our snow day, here is a video we made as part of entry for the Argyll Holidays Active Family, we are in the final six of this competition and are super excited that everyone loved our fun snow adventure.

Linking up to country Kids on Coombe Mill.
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. That looks cold! But lovely... My daughter and her friends in our little village have been hoping for some snow. It's been in the forecast the past few days, but it never really happens! #countrykids.

    1. It was lovely to get out in the snow, although super slippy! Hope you get some snow soon :)

  2. Love those icicles. We've not had any snow really, the children are very disappointed! It looks like you've made the most of the snow you had :)

    1. We certainly did, you can't not in this country though as it doesn't last long does it ;)

  3. After watching your video I'm jealous of your snow day.

  4. We were so disappointed at out predicted snow day - we had no snow! Rufford sounds lovely - my sister used to take her children there when she was little - and the snow looks fantastic fun :)

    1. It was good to have snow, although we live on a huge hill so is a bit precarious at times. Good to get out and run about in it though :)

  5. I better not let my two see your snow play as they will be so jealous - even yesterday they were telling me they really wanted to make a snow volcano again! You can see you're all having such fun together as a family in the video!

    1. Thank you, it was so much fun..a snow volcano that sounds awesome :)

  6. Snow days are the best and it looks like you all had a great time running around together. Your photo of the frozen lake makes it look like a postcard. I love your video, it really shows the camaraderie and fun that snow brings out. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

    1. It was the perfect picture, the colours of some of the trees at the moment are beautiful and so well framed by the dark trees and white background :) Thank you so much, we had a lot of fun making it :)

  7. I'm jealous! I wish it was snowing here! Sledging and hot chocolate is the dream combination! It looks like you had wonderful fun #countrykids

    1. I think thats why we tried to make the most of it, blink and it's gone again! Hot chocolate is my favourite every time :)

  8. That looks like a lot of fun, we had snow here this morning - all 1 millimetre of it - cue one disgruntled 5 year old! #CountryKids

    1. Oh dear, I bet! I saw it was bright outside this morning and was a tad disappointed at the lack of snow but then remember how difficult it makes getting about ;)

  9. Looks like you had a lot of fun in the snow. Am feeling slightly envious as we've yet to have any here!

    1. It was a bit of a shock on Boxing Day I have to admit, although we knew it was going to snow we didn't expect it as quick as it arrived, lots of fun though :)

  10. Love snowy photos especially ones of icicles! My eldest would be jealous as he is desperate for a snow day but I on the other hand would rather summer just hurry around! ;D

  11. It looks so pretty with the snow - what a fun day!
