Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pony Rides and Friendships

A few months ago my daughter was invited to go horse riding with her best friend, it was a rainy and muddy day but that didn't put them off. My daughter was all covered up in her Helly gear, which is perfect for such occasions as this.

The first task when we got to the stables was to find a suitable helmet, it took a while as my daughter has a rather tiny head but eventually we found one befitting of her petit size and off we went to find her a horse. A rather beautiful specimen named Smudge, a very proud little lady took him down to the training paddock.

For someone so little, it was hard for her hold the reigns and keep her feet in the stirrups but she worked hard and got the horse moving around the paddock. Her little face lit up as the horse trotted round the paddock, as her confidence built up and with the help of the riding school staff the trotting turned to galloping.

As she turned the horse through the cones, her new found confidence grew and the look of joy on her face was just fantastic. Isn't it just amazing what children can do and what they can learn in such a short space of time.

As they trotted off into the muddy forest, I was amazed at the spirit of both girls, they didn't even look back, just off they went into almost knee high mud, doing something they'd never even attempted before. Not afraid and just happy to be on a horse, getting to play real life horse riding Barbie.

These two little friends are just inseparable anyway and for them to be able to have this first lesson together was just fantastic, so big thanks to her lovely mum for inviting us.

horse riding

Life is full of adventures and this was just one of them, I can't wait to see what life holds for my little lady, to see where life takes her and what else she gets to try.


  1. Aww! Bless her! It looks like she had such a fantastic time! She did so well on her first lesson!

  2. Awwww bless, she looks so proud sat on that pony. My two love it too and I love her wet weather gear

  3. These pictures are absolutely gorgeous - so glad both girls had a great time.

  4. Just look at her little face, she looks so absolutely proud of herself, so precious :)

  5. Awww I can't believe how much she has grown up. She looks like she had an amazing time bless her x

  6. She is adorable. We are taking the boys horse riding for the first time in a couple of weeks.

  7. Aw how cute. My teen loves horseriding with a passion, it's an expensive hobby but worth it x

  8. Looks like a great time. My girls have tried horse-riding too and there was no backwards glance from them either!

  9. My oldest is about to have his first lesson, I hope it goes as well! :)

  10. She looks like a natural, I always loved horse riding when I was younger and you can just see how much she is enjoying it in the pictures x

  11. I've always been scared of horses I think it's the size of them. Hoping not to parce that fear on to my kids
