Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dancing Fit

Before children we used to go clubbing a lot, I think a mixture of eating healthier, super quick metabolism and dancing in clubs kept me fit.

Although I don't go clubbing anymore I do still enjoy dancing and can be often found in the kitchen bopping whilst cleaning.

Music to me is a way of setting yourself free and if I can get the children to join me then I do, who said fitness had to be all gym.

Plus music can be a great way to de-stress and for me always brings back memories and feelings from moments in my life. For example Chemical Brothers reminds me of being at Glastonbury and a fab weekend at a Radio One Big Weekend, I remember seeing myself on the big screens dancing! It was amazing.

My daughter loves to dance and can often be found twirling round the lounge with me,  I hope to get her in to dance classes later this year and I hope she can find a love for it.

Exercise doesn't always have to be about the gym, sometimes you can burn calories doing what comes natural, there is a beautiful quote in the film Hanna which has a soundtrack by Chemical Brothers funnily enough, it says "Music; a combination of sounds with a view to beauty of form and expression of emotion" I think this is the perfect way to describe it and why I love to dance so much.

Me clubbing about 7 years ago
Linking up to Active Family on The Olivers Madhouse

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