Friday, July 18, 2014

Word of the Week

I think my word of the week this week is pride, for so many reasons. Firstly, my son got to go to the cinema for 100% attendance, he also took part in his French class end of year performance. He has picked it up so well and I am really excited to see him use it when we go to France in a few weeks time.

We  went to my daughters nursery to see where she would be going in September, she was extremely well behaved and the nursery nurses who currently look after her have nothing but the highest of praise for her. She has such confidence in fact so much so she went and stood with my son in his French performance and counted to 10 with them, in French!!!

My son has also been asking to do things round the house, making his breakfast and helping me tidy things away, my daughter insists on helping me set the dinner table and I couldn’t be more proud of the two lovely young children they have become!

I am really looking forward to what I expect to be a glowing report for my son, his teacher is constantly telling us what a lovely young man he is and how he is the perfect student and role model. He came home with yet another star of the week certificate last week and after a rough start in school life he has blossomed.

My heart is bursting with pride for my two wonderfully kind, caring and enthusiastic children, what more could a mother ask for. 

Linking up to Word of the Week with The Reading Residence

The Reading Residence


  1. Your children sound so lovely and caring, you're right to be so proud! It's hard work, this parenting, but when you see how beautifully your children are growing up, it kind of makes it all worth it! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. Aww! It sounds like you have every reason to be proud!
    Your children sound lovely x

  3. thats a lovely word and how lovely that your kids are so well behaved. its a brilliant feeling to feel like you could just burst with pride. lovely post #WotW

  4. That's amazing, I don't blame you for feeling so proud!!

  5. A very good word to sum up your week, I would be beaming with pride too if I was you

  6. Awww such a nice week! Congrats on all these recognitions =) #wotw
