Sunday, September 21, 2014

Learning to Draw

This week my daughter has surprised me a in a few ways, firstly when we were in the playground at school she recognised the first letter of her name from the letter cubes on the playground floor. After  speaking to nursery about the recognition of letters we also established she can pick out her name.

Then as we were talking about letters and drawing I asked her to draw a smiley face and she did, she hasn't really shown much interest in drawing up until now so this is a big milestone for us.

You probably can't tell from the picture but this circle has a smile, two tiny eyes and a nose, it is the first time I have seen her draw anything that resembles a face, so I am excited about what we are going to see in the future.

My sons drawings have gone from this, which was his first ever picture of him and his daddy...

To these intricately drawn pictures, full of imagination and a world through a six year old boys eyes, it is a truly wonderful privilege to be the person who sees these pictures and thoughts.

The milestones never really seem to stop and the magic of children and life through their eyes is just wonderful.


  1. Oh lovely! My girl does lots of drawing now but they always look a little bit well? Scary! Hopefully they will get better soon! x

    1. My sons are sometimes a little scary, but he loves to tell me about them. I do love their imagination.

  2. Such a sweet post! My 5yo didn't properly get into drawing until reception last year but loves it now :-) #magicmoments

    1. My son has always loved it, telling me about his pictures and the monsters he's drawn. It took him a while to get in to reading though so I think he made up for it with this.

  3. What a lovely post, must be so nice when their pictures start to be something more than a whole lot of scribbles! x

    1. My daughter has a long way to go as most of what she draws are scribbles, this was the first picture to actually resemble something recognisable, it's a start though ;)

  4. So lovely when they start to draw stuff that's recognisable.

    1. I know, can't wait to get her drawing flowers and houses :)

  5. Lovely pictures! I've kept all my children's first drawings too, so nice to keep hold of the memories :)

    1. We have so many pictures now it's unbelievable, for now though i'm keeping hold of them.

  6. Great pictures. I used to draw all the time when I was little I wish I had kept it up

    1. I used to love drawing and as an adult you just seem to stop, now I am limited to peppa pig and princesses ;)

  7. What great milestones to have accomplished, she's really developing. I love the imagination that's so obvious in your sons drawings. Popping in from Magic Moments.

    1. He's a lovely artist now, his attention to detail is brilliant and he can always tell you a story about his pictures. Thanks for popping over :)

  8. Ah so lovely, all these things are wonderful milestones that make us so proud x #MagicMoments

    1. I know, you worry these things will stop when they aren't babies anymore but they don't, each new day brings a happy moment to remember.

  9. Love this post and you have just given me the urge to rumage through my childrens artwork boxes. The changes will be amazing to see. Well done to your girl! x

    1. Definitely, my son now does the most intricate drawings and it's lovely to see how it's changed. Thanks for stopping by :)

  10. Ahhh I love this!! How clever your little lady is and some huge milestones there picking out the first letter and even recognising her name and now to show interest in drawing lovely for you!! The change and improvement in your sons drawing is amazing too although that picture of him and his daddy is to die for, so cute!!! X

  11. I love the small milestones that some take for granted because they are the steps that count towards the big ones. It took an age for our boys to take an interest in colouring in let alone drawing anything themselves lol! #magicmoments

  12. Aww lovely little milestones, it is amazing seeing how they grow and develop isn't it? Xx #magicmoments

  13. Lovely drawings. It's amazing seeing their imagination come to life on a piece of paper.

  14. Hello there, these are lovely, and how fantastic to see the development. I am struggling to part with a lot of our little boy's drawings, and he seems to be moving on from his black period so am hoping for something a bit more colourful! Really enjoyed your blog, looking forward to reading more. #magicmoments

  15. Oh bless your daughter, she's doing so well and rightly so, you're obviously very proud! My baby is currently learning her colours, which amazes me every day. #magicmoments

  16. That's great! My little man just does scribbles at the moment (he's 2.5) :) #magicmoments
