Sunday, December 28, 2014

Snow Fun at the Park

Boxing day evening came with some snow, so not only did we head out that evening to play in the snow, we also headed up to the park in the morning to play and do some sledging.

We headed up to Woodthorpe Park, it has a few huge hills and smaller ones for my daughter, who was climbing up and riding down on her own. We built snowmen and made some snow angels, had snowball fights and drank hot chocolate.

I'm not sure whether we'll have any more snow this winter, so it was good to make the best of it while it was still fresh.

Did you have any snow, if so did you manage to get out into it?


  1. Ooo that looks so much fun we have not had any snow at all so jealous lol

  2. Great pictures, how fab to have snow. We had nothing here at all! x #MagicMoments

  3. That looks like so much fun - we haven't had any snow here. Looks like you made the most of getting some where you are! :-)

  4. We had snow at Thanksgiving, but rain for Christmas! Definitely good to get out and enjoy it while it lasts :) Looks like you had great fun!

  5. Wow look at all that snow! We didn't get any not that I'm complaining as I'm not a fan but my kids would have loved it - looks like you had lots of fun!

  6. Oh that looks amazing. I'm a little bit... ok actually I'm a lot jealous! Snow on boxing day is like a dream. We didn't get any unfortunately.
    It looks like you had a fab day x

  7. We too headed to Woodthorpe Park for a snow day, it's lovely there. (We also live really close by which is a bonus!)

  8. It was a lovely suprise getting snow on Boxing day. My kids loved it :)
