Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Helping Me Sleep - SoeMac Review

For the last few months I have been trialling a device called the SoeMac, it is designed to help people with their sleep. The device is a non invasive alternative oxygen therapy treatment, that allows your body to have a more restorative sleep, therefore helping with a wide range of sleep and health problems, from snoring, to ME & CFS, Asthma to Sleep Apnea.

The SoeMac is the world’s first and only home use Singlet Oxygen Energy therapy device. Until now, this Oxygen Energy therapy has only been available to users by means of very expensive, large machines, which rely on the use of a nasal cannula, or mask, to deliver the Oxygen Energy to the user.

The device itself is small and fits neatly and unobtrusively on my bedside table, it comes with extra filters and a power supply.

Having suffered with Fibromyalgia for the last two years, this device seemed like the perfect product for me.  My fibromyalgia often causes me to not sleep well, usually such a light sleep that I never feel fully rested.

Not having a good night sleep affects how you function on a daily basis and also exacerbates the pain that comes with this complicated condition.

Since using this device I have most definitely had better, deeper sleep, in the mornings, my body feels refreshed and like I have actually been asleep. As the device may work differently for everyone, SoeMac have a solid returns policy, if you are not happy with the product, then within 30 days, they will accept it back for a refund. After speaking to the inventor, he told me they have had a handful back in all the time they've been selling them.

Since we have had the SoeMac, my husband has stopped snoring as much, although not completely, I would say that 90% of nights have been snore free. Which, to say I could have put the pillow over his head many a night, then this is better.

I have been using this since the end of January and it takes about 30 days for the effects of the oxygen therapy to be noticed, however since this time I have felt more refreshed in the morning and I put this down to a better quality of deeper sleep.

We went on a holiday about a month ago and I didn't take it with me, I had disturbed sleep whilst we were away, but being in an unfamiliar place and in a tent with lots of noises, that could be expected. Although I didn't fully notice the effects of not having the SoeMac on until we got back, it then took another few weeks for me to get back into the sleep routine I had found.

One thing I must mention is the light and sound from the machine, whilst I wear ear mufflers that block out low background noise there is a whirring sound from the machine, similar to that of a PC, if you are light sleeper then this may be something to consider. The red light which is part of the science behind the machine is quite bright, I know some people find this sort of thing bothersome and I was a little worried I would, however the red light is fine and I have actually found it quite therapeutic. My husband hasn't noticed either the light or sound from the machine so this is only what I have observed.

So, do I think this works? Yes, I do and whilst for me, it hasn't eliminated the pain, it has assisted with the downright struggle that was being tired. A tiredness that comes on so quickly it is like a light has been turned off inside of me.

The product itself costs £419 which is a considerable outlay, however with how much prescriptions and medicines cost to help fight some of the conditions this can help aid, then I think it needs to be seen as investment.

NB: I was sent the SoeMac device in return for my honest opinion on the product.

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