Monday, May 8, 2017

Beautiful Nature - A Walk Amongst the Bluebells

I love this time of year, the beautiful blossom, bluebells and fields of yellow are all signs that summer is on its way.

We have some wonderful woodlands around Nottinghamshire and one place we have been a few times is Bunny wood, named as one of Britains best woodlands for bluebells and I couldn't agree more.

As we headed down the winding paths, dappled in sunlight, we passed piles of logs and instantly broke in to The Gruffalo, the sun cast a wonderful warm glow on us and it was a pleasure to walk through the woods, listening to the birds as they twittered away.

We stopped and looked at the bright yellow fields of oilseed and took a few pictures, these two melt my heart with there love for each other, even if they can spend hours bickering. When it all comes down to it, they love each other.


We stopped to look at the fungi growing from the trees, making note of it so we could look it up in my sons nature book later, we did and it is called a Dryad's Saddle

The children found a fairy door in the bottom of a tree and stopped to see if anyone was home, this is what I love about woodland walks, they offer up so much for your imagination.

With few people around they allow you to be silly, take your time and not worry about what is happening in the world.

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